Do sad su u Savjetovalištu provedena dva projekta, treći je u postupku realizacije.
Mindfulness in the police
The project was implemented in the period from January 2018 to November 2019 and consisted of 3 project levels. At Level 1, we experimentally investigated the effectiveness of a brief mindfulness intervention on anxiety, emotional arousal, cognitive abilities, and electrical brain activity of Police College students. At level 2, we conducted a correlational study examining the relationship between mindfulness traits and mental and physical health of police officers from several different police stations. At Level 3, we conducted and experimentally validated MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) training with police officers from VII. Police Station Zagreb, with the measurement of various mental and physical health indicators before and after the training.
The results of Level 2 research showed that there is a significant positive association between almost all measured aspects of mental and physical health and mindfulness trait. The results of the experimental validation of MBCT training at the 3rd level showed a statistically significant improvement in almost all measured determinants of mental and physical health of police officers after completing the training.
The entire process of the Level 3 of the project was filmed for the purpose of making the documentary "Mindfulness in the Croatian Police".
Ova su istraživanja provedena po prvi put na policijskih službenicima u Hrvatskoj. Jedna su od rijetkih istraživanja tog tipa u svijetu što dodatno povećava njihovu vrijednost. Najveći doprinos projekta je činjenica da je Savjetovalište njime doveo novi i proaktivni pristup mentalnom zdravlju hrvatskih policijskih službenika. Njime smo doveli jedan od najsuvremenijih znanstveno dokazano učinkovitih mentalnih treninga u našu policiju te još jednom potvrdili njegovu djelotvornost, ali na hrvatskim policajcima.
Various exercise programs and mental health of police officers
The project was implemented in the period from March to October 2019 and involved the validation of the created running program in which the emphasis was placed on those factors important for the police work performance, such as explosiveness while moving. The program was created by an experienced and award-winning ultramarathoner, head of a running school, police officer and a kinesiologist graduate.
After the collection of voluntary participants, an initial testing was conducted, which included a battery of standardized psychological instruments and measures of physical health, various body parameters and physical fitness. In addition to classical instruments, certain data were collected with smart bracelets that each participant received for use. Participants were divided into experimental, active control and control group, and the program lasted 8 weeks, followed by final testing.
The participation of various kinesiology experts and sports psychologists ensured a high-quality approach in the creation and implementation of the examined program with the aim of promoting physical activity as a way of acting positively on the mental health of Croatian police officers.
The results of the program validation showed that there are statistically significant improvements in various measures of mental and physical health - after 8 weeks of training.
The project ended with organized race of citizens and police ("Running for a better mental health") on Jarun Lake on September 28, 2019. on the eve of Police Day 2019.The project ended with the organization and holding of a race of citizens and police on Jarun on September 28, 2019. on the eve of Police Day 2019. Although the race has traditionally been held on the eve of Police Day for the last few years, for the first time it was dedicated to mental health - thanks to the results of our project. Also, for the first time, a race was also organized for children - preschool and school.

U siječnju 2022. započeo je Erasmus projekt (KA2) PROTECT Reducing Psychological Risks in Law Enforcement: Training as a means to Wellbeing, na kojem je Centar partnerska organizacija Cilj projekta je smanjivanje psihosocijalnih rizika u policiji kroz 4 modula: 1.Emergency Stress Reduction; 2.Strategies for Normative Mourning; 3. Healthy Phasing-Out i 4. Work-Life Balance. Nositelji projekta su Policijska služba javne sigurnosti u Portugalu (The Polícia de Segurança Pública, Portugal) i Centar za biomedicinsko pravo u Portugalu (Centro de Direito Biomédico, Portugal). Ostali partneri su: Ministarstvo unutarnje uprave u Portugalu (Ministerio da administracao interna, Portugal), državna policija Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova Latvije (Iekslietu Ministrijas valsts policija state police of the Ministry of interior, Latvia) i berlinska policija (Polizei Berlin, Germany).